A North Shore Senior Session - Dominic

Talk about photogenic! Dominic rocked his senior portrait session. I absolutely love the North Shore because there are so many great locations within a short distance.

A Point State Park Senior Session - Alicia

This session was so much fun! We ventured down to the beautiful Point State park and were blessed with gorgeous weather and an incredible sky. Alicia is on the swim team, so it felt natural to be near the water. She even pretended to dive into the fountain for a photo! I was so happy to use this location again…it’s been a while. Check out these awesome images and watch a smile come to your face!

A Phipps Conservatory Senior Session | Maddie

Maddie’s senior portrait session was incredible. Phipps Conservatory’s outdoor gardens have been a very popular location this year, but the soft, warm lighting on the evening of Maddie’s session made the gardens sparkle like I’ve never seen before. She rocked every pose with a beautiful smile on her face! Since Maddie has been a dancer since she was very small, we decided to incorporate that part of her life as well. I think I love those last two images most of all! I am so excited to send them their gallery of photos and hope that they love them as much as I do.

A Burkett Field Senior Session | Phil

New locations are always fun for senior portraits! We spent half of Phil’s session taking photos around his house and then ventured over to Burkett Field to take some baseball photos. I really love when student’s incorporate their hobbies/talents into their senior portraits because it brings a uniqueness to the session that can’t be replicated. Phil’s baseball photos ended up being favorites of mine and I can’t wait for his family to see them!

A Phipps Conservatory Senior Session | Cheyanne

One of my favorite locations in the Pittsburgh area for photography is Phipps Conservatory. The outdoor gardens are just as stunning as every room inside. I spent a large amount of time at Phipps this past weekend with weddings and senior sessions so I was one happy photographer! I had such a great time taking Cheyanne’s senior portraits there and the weather was just gorgeous. We took a lot of photos in the outdoor gardens but also ventured down to the Schenley Bridge (which is always amazing no matter how many times you’ve been there). The love locks on the bridge have become a new favorite of mine.

I’m so excited for Cheyanne and her family to see these images!