A Phipps Conservatory Senior Session | Brianna

Phipps Conservatory is so gorgeous inside and out! I love doing sessions there, but especially senior sessions. There are many beautiful spots outside so it was easy to take Brianna’s photos at this location. Check out her awesome outfits and gorgeous smile!

A North Park Family Session

Bethany and her daughters are so much fun to photograph. They are full of energy and smiles at all times which makes my job easy! Not to mention, they are all STUNNING! We had a blast running around North Park and enjoying the sunshine.

An 80th Birthday Surprise!

Ok get ready for THE CUTEST blog post ever! This amazing family contacted me to photograph a surprise 80th birthday party and I was so excited to accept. When I arrived, all of the birthday girl’s family members were waiting outside to surprise her. They walked up to her door and her reaction was priceless. She thought they were going to a simple brunch but to her surprise, there was a limo waiting to take them all to The Grand Concourse for an amazing birthday lunch! I cried twice during this amazing surprise because it was just so sweet. Get the tissues ready!

A High School Senior Session | Sami

Senior portraits in the snow?! Heck Yes!! That’s exactly what Sami wanted and she got it thanks to Pittsburgh’s wild winter weather! Her mom contacted me when she heard there was a snow storm coming and we set the session up for the day after so that we would have a winter wonderland for Sami. It all worked out perfectly.

We started at the West End Overlook (one of my favorite locations) and then headed to Station Square for the remainder of her session. I must say, these snowy photos are some of my favorite senior portraits by far!